4. Tower
The section outlines the Standard Operating Procedures for Tower Operations at Kuwait International Airport (OKKK)
4.1 General Provisions
Aerodrome Control (ADC) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways and all operations within the Kuwait CTR below 2 000 ft. ADC shall also ensure separation between IFR aircraft that are arriving at and departing the aerodrome, as well as provide traffic information to VFR aircraft operating within the aerodrome control zone.
4.2 Preferential runway
The preferred runway configuration is 33 up to a tailwind of 5 knots.
Unless demand requires mixed operations, runway operations should remain segregated. Aircraft not parked on Terminal 1 or Terminal 4 may be assigned the runway with the shortest taxi for their apron.
4.3 Departure procedure
4.3.1 Line up clerances
A conditional clearance is a clearance issued by an air traffic controller which does not become effective until a specified condition has been satisfied. Conditional line up instructions must include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. However, if the aircraft ahead is already well clear, a conditional clearance is not necessary.
"KAC243, BEHIND the Departing OMAN AIR A330, Line up and wait Runway 33L BEHIND."